Ahoy me matey! Batton the hatches, for this Friday be the greatest double-cross-over in history.... it be Friday the 13th + Talk Like a Pirate day! Events be start'n in multiple of yer favorite Artix Entertainment games this week.
Kicking off our full 1st week of daily updates as we make progress on AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity - a rebuild of the game that will allow you to log your existing character on phones, tablets, and computers.
The next Tech Demo is moved to next week to give us time to work out class and combat issues. It will include the new Siren/Banshee scream FX, Monster behaviors (prototype system), and an uncertain number of combat and class experiments.
Excruciatingly Available at Bones & Gnomefells. Peek inside for an Infinity progress update, new animation sneaky peeks, intentionally confusing tech mumbo jumbo, and <REDACTED>.
Monster making madness has always been at the dark heart of video games. How about we rip it out like that guy from the Indiana Jones movie and take a good look at it. (But maybe we should not try not to eat it.)
The spookiest part of October... is the video game dev crunch. Join me for a blindingly insightful look at what is happening behind the scenes in our new 2D cross-platform game.
In today's progress update we will talk about how the team is re-animating monsters, re-building class skills, and how we are able to start doing the crazy things Flash let us get away with. Also, we should talk about Unity.
Construction of the "final" Town of Battleon has started in AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity. OK, we update that town every week... but the launch-ready art is in production.
Awww yeah! Things are moving. This week the team is back at full power working on.... animation conversion process, UI, sound fx & music, guilds, party, and the combat system.
"You reap what you code." A triple-threat of weekly meeting notes! Also, do you write your dates backwards? Find out why you might want to give it a try.
Everything you wanted to know about the team's adventure to PAX: East & Midwest Gaming Classic 2023, but were afraid to ask... (ok, we know you are not scared of anything. But it is a fun read anyway! Grab a drink.)
We are creating print materials for our first convention with the new AdventureQuest. Last chance to change the name. What do you think of AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity?
Here is the latest on the development of AdventureQuest Worlds: Unity. It is a cross-platform rebuild of the MMORPG which will allow you to login your character and equip your well earned items.
First glimpse of the new loot bag drop system inside. AdventureQuest Worlds: Unity has been making steady progress.... until I came home and broke it! read on for the full story.
Our little video game studio just celebrated 20 years of non-stop weekly adventures in a special event hosted by Elvira. Within are some highlights along with a months worth of AQWorlds:Unity progress updates!
Add AdventureQuest Worlds: Unity to your Steam wish list! Also, we got to try it out for the first time on the Steam Deck. Also, 3 weeks worth of developer notes!
Being back in the lab makes it easier for the entire team to share things. Like... covid? Today's double post comes after the surprise lab plague of 2022!
In addition to this week's AdventureQuest 2D Worlds (Mobile/Steam) progress update, how about we shine a spotlight creative players in our community? You have to see these YouTube channels.
Today's weekly team update meeting just ended. Writing to bring you the latest news. Also... we will delve into the world of sleep-deprived midnight projects, music, master-crafted bugs, and... our 20th Year Anniversary Event!