TechDemo & Chill
As Frostvale's cold kiss frostbites our cheeks, the AQWorlds Infinity Tech Demo... did great! The post from below was written while it was still online.
How it the Tech Demo STILL ONLINE?
During today's team meeting we decided to keep the tech demo (which is currently running on steam for recent Upholders & Members of AQWorlds) online with live updates. Last Wednesday, we released a new (and much shorter) quest to obtain the dual wield version of the Skull Sword. We have been battling our way through the bugs & issues list that players have reported. What I REALLY like about the Steam version, is it automatically updates without players having to go to the account site and manually download a new version.

Here are the things we are working on now.
- Cutscenes! Cutsenes! Cutscenes!
Our #1 goal is to finish the cutscene system and get a test cutscene out for you to try. (Try to break?) This is the biggest thing holding back our content production.
- Quest Bugs
Reens made a list of remaining quest bugs... actually, some of them are not bugs, they are things we did not realize were just not coded yet.
- Loot Drop Issues
This includes the bug that causes stacks of weapons which should be unique.
- NPC requirements
While making the quest last week we ran into unexpected trouble setting requirements on the buttons. We are fixing all of these things and also adding checks for the same requirements on the server.
- More Memory Leak Clean up
Last week's patch included a fix for the biggest "memory leak" issue. While it is not very bad anymore, we still have ones to clean up. How do memory leaks happen? Well, if you dynamically load something like a fireball, then destroy it, normally it just goes away. However... if ANYTHING in the game has a reference to it, the garbage collection will not gobble it up. Thus, the invisible fireball just sorta sits there in memory... forever. We fixed the big ones. But there are some edge case issues like this that we need to hunt down.
- Chat Issues
The chat filter is catching a bunch of false positives. There is also that ungodly delay because of the way color coding was implemented. Of the current bugs, this is on the lower priority side... because we also need the server to mirror these chat restrictions.
We are making a list of the next batch of classes to convert. We did the 4 base classes. Only 110-ish left to go! Spider is out for the next two weeks. It will be interesting to see what we can accomplish with the tools that have already been made.

Meanwhile.... about that Coloring Book
Not sure if you saw, but the AdventureQuest: Coloring Book of LORE & this year's new 2025 Calendar just became available to pre-order at
It comes with a very fitting in-game armor set for AQWorlds....

This all-ages coloring book is the first ever physical book featuring illustrations from the AdventureQuest games. The book was designed & assembled by Charfade, J6, & Yergen and features fan favorite art of heroes, villains, and monsters from our games. We went with the highest quality paper stock available from the printers. It really shows off how much we have built together... I am extremely proud of this book. J6 asked if we could send a copy of this book to every kid in his child's school class. I love it. I said absolutely. If the book does well enough, we should do a lot more of this.

You can get yours at
Friday the 13th
Is that a Friday the 13th I spy on the calendar this month?
Battle on!
Artix & the AQWorlds Infinity Team
Follow us before it's too late!