Artix Krieger
| Thursday, November 7, 2024
Or maybe cold happy things. *shrugs* Whatever. It is definitely filled with things.
First up, here is a link to the video I promised you.
Watch Dage goes to the gym... in armor.
I shot & edited this on Halloween morning. It has been a really long time since I did any video work. It was incredibly fun. I miss doing wacky things like this.
Infinity has a built in monster scale function
I think we talked about this before. Devs can change the size of monsters in the game. Which means we will never need to duplicate a monster just to create a bigger version ever again.
My favorite Rogue skill is Stiletto.... where you draw three daggers out of hammer space and throw them at your foe. It makes a good opener to pull with at a range. The GIF above was recorded before the projectile was added. But I think you can see the projectile in the GIF with the gorilaphant... I use the skills towards the end of the clip.
Also, you can see the Rogue class doing a number of the new animations that Ghost created. Eeeep! We are still using the old icons. Need to fix that for all the base classes ASAP. J6 already made the icons.
Spider has been added a lot of new features to the skill forge. The new conditional range node is amaaaaazing. Skills can now do completely different things at different ranges. For example, if you use the Rogue's footwork skill at a distance, it will simply give you the buff. However, if you use it at close range, you will also jump kick your foe in the face with your foot. Because, as the karate-Horc often says, "Dat is how... footwork!"
Answer: We live in Discord voice chat... sharing our screens.
This method of working is closer to our roots. When the original AdventureQuest started soaring, we formed a team from helpful and skilled players in the community. Some of the originals included Oishii & Captain Rhubarb. Back in those days, we did not have voice chat. We communicated using IRC. (An ancient technology on par with connecting two cans by a string or sending smoke signals. #ThisWasAJoke) You could not even send images through IRC. So we chatted through text and uploaded stuff to the server to show each other. All of that changed in the 2005-ish era with things like MSN Messenger and Skype. Even when we started working in a physical office, we still used these tools to talk to people literally sitting right next to us and send files. The vast majority of our devs & mods have always been remote. Captain Rhubarb for example lives on the other side of the country. I have seen in him person... uh, 4 times? Pretty crazy. Right? But that is internet culture. We can live anywhere and do the things we do. It is why I never made returning to the lab mandatory. A lot of companies did. I could do a lengthy Ted Talk on remote vs in-office culture. But here is the short version. Some people work better remotely. Others, not so much. Personal bonds are easy to form in the office... but that is equally true with drama. It is sorta spooky how little drama we had in a while. #KnocksOnWood. Which is better? Personally, I like a little of both. So I meet up with Zhoom & Dage to sync in the mornings and then schedule work days with people in person like I did yesterday. As a night person, I prefer working late at night. A lot of us do. How about you? Anyway, since the start of the pandemic our lives have been spent in Discord voice and video calls. It is nice.
Nulgath's new healer class skill animations are almost ready. The goal was to make the it unique, bright, and usable as both a base class and a support healing class. The impact effect with the bright wings is currently being placed too high. Spider is adding a drop down to the node that determines where an impact effect goes. This will allow us to place it at the monsters feet, hit attach point, or even on top of it where the pop up buttons go. It feels fun to play.
Today we are reviewing all four base classes again. (They are waiting on me to finish up this post to begin.) Thinking we should do a tech demo just for these 4 base classes as soon as possible. Especially with all these new combat nodes we are adding. We have made A LOT of changes since the last tech demo. If we can get everything in by the end of day Friday (Please note the "IF"), then we should be able to do the next Tech Demo early next week. Cross your fingers, claws, talons, or tentacles for us.
Battle on!