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Rambo: First Bludrut Part II - AQworlds Infinity

Artix Krieger | Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Crypts & Bludruts

The AdventureQuest Worlds Infinity Team is focus firing on completing Bludrut Keep this week. So this week, we have a big, single, animated GIF filled progress update for you.


Earth Spirits are known for for their rock hard abs, rocking out, and occasionally being full of schist*. One thing that we are stone cold serious about... is adding some special attacks to this thing. Nulgath has been animating the things needed for Spider's Monster AI skills.

* It is a type of rock.

Telegraphing Boss Monsters

The Rock Monster will raise it's arms to give you warning that it is about to do a special attack. Rings will appear on the ground. The ones that fill up red will do damage to you. Using your classes defensive skills... or getting out of the way.

Immortal Joe wrote a giant doc up with multiple skills for each of the 5 bosses in Bludrut Keep. Between us, it was very ambitious for a freshly created new system (we expect nothing less). I would be extremely happy/impressed if each monster had a single unique skill to use against the player for this release.

Stats & Combat Math

The new stats system was put in last week, and as expected we have been finding "surprises" as we test. For example, if you are level 14 and do not equip a helm, there may be a thousand point difference in your hit points from another player who is wearing one. We know this, because even as an adult I still do not listen to my parents advice about wearing to ride a bike, motorcycle, or battle the evil undead. Gear is going to matter in this game. So... be able to toggle-off the visibility of items is going to be equally important as cosmetics. #HowCanYouFightDragonsWithHelmetHair

The Tower of Leveling has not been started yet.... once Bludrut Keep's quests and maps are done we will move our focus to that. This will be a place to test leveling from 1 to 100.


The quests for all 4 floors are ready for testing. The team started a slow crawl through the adventure on Tuesday. Reens did a great job on the quests and Cylisse's writing made it a far better experience.  Sorta thought it would go quick... but at the end of the day, we had only traversed the first floor. The bug list contained a lot of things that were not really related to the dungeon itself.

Bludrut 2: The Second Story

J6 has been fixing up some of the art as we do the walkthrough. Things are really going to heat up on floor two... which is fire themed.

Lights, Camera, Action! The Cutscene System

Meanwhile, Ghost is working through the cutscenes. Now that our dialog editor is being used to create production-ready cut-scenes.... the feature request list is becoming 10 miles long.

Top Priorities

  • Music Engine
  • Sound FX (At game-engine level, monster level, and custom)

Other Major Cutscene Needs

  • Camera needs same ability to tween position as actors
  • Adding multiple objects from a single prefab
  • Copy/Pasta positional data for actors
  • Giant list of UI improvements


Bludrut Keep first appeared in the very original AdventureQuest. Then many years later we created AQWorlds and added it as one of the early dungeons. Then, in AQWorld's "Throne of Darkness" saga we told the backstory of Bludrut Keep. It was one of the most fun things that I got to work on*. We have been debating how to put appropriate easter eggs of Scarletta and what the Keep used to be into this release. Do you think it should be super subtle, or a little more on the nose?

* If the young highschool-aged Artix knew that the story he wrote would be turned into an actual video game release, he would have been so happy.

If you do not know what the Throne of Darkness saga is about.... go play the Throne of Darkness Saga in AQWorlds!


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