Official name! AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity
Artix Krieger
| Friday, March 3, 2023
We officially have a name!
The cross-platform remake of AdventureQuest Worlds officially has a final name! The Infinity Dragon will be so happy when it finds out.

We are taking the game to PAX!
We will be showing off AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity for the first time at the PAX East convention. Read the full details about Artix at PAX.

Teaser Trailer
One of the most fun things I have gotten to do in a long time was work on the PAX trailer with Warlic, Ghost, Yergen, and Nythera. From writing the script to voice acting, to animating, and producing the final render it was a blast. I will put the final version on YouTube for you to see next week. Should be about the same time I update STEAM and this website with the game's new name and artwork.
A LOT has happened since the last update post O_O. As always, here is a transparent copy/pasta of my meeting notes so you can see what has been going on. Enjoy.
2023.03.01.March is PAX month!
- Convention Announcement
- We are going to PAX: East this month!
- Tunik
- Putting in the new interface (new art from Diogon)
- Have a couple blank screens for features that are not implemented yet.
- Fixed bug where skill slot hide/show was overlapping
- There is now a mobile chat button -- because it was not possible to click through the chat to walk previously.
- Hide chat button was broken after the refactor-- was a simple fix
- Box collider on skill slots was blocking player click to move. This has been fixed
- Speech bubble text is no longer pixelated
- Changed layout of mobile chat, the button is now on the right.
- Toggle for FPS monitor now has a switch in options
- Debug output monitor now has a switch in options
- Atlas for the windows updated with new one from Diogon
- Fixed clicked through on virtual joystick (because you could click through it and walk there by accident)
- Fixed bug where Chat and Tooltips were doubling when you used the logout button.
- Border for all UI was changed to reflect safe area on certain mobile devices
- Bug on IOS where buttons would get stuck in one state
- Some screens try to hide the virtual joystick even when it wasn’t present. This would cause a null error.
- Diogon
- Putting interface assets into prefabs
- Warlic
- Worked on new trailer for PAX!
- Enemies now properly face their targets in combat at all times. The bug was due to an issue with punch position shaking. There was also some bad code where it could potentially call the turn direction function twice, which would multiply the direction by 2, flipping its direction. There is also another edge case situation when the player is moving directly up to charge you.
- Added hook to Options for Disable/Enable Debug Console
- Layering issue on reload map fixed. When we were reordering things the z-orders would move incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug where you would fall off the screen if you collided with a loot object.
- Lots of minor little bugs
- Yorumi
- All spawn and edit commands in!
- Stats showing properly on your character now
- HP/MP working properly on targeting now - the issue was, when the other player loaded it was not setting their max HP value, and look up was dependent on that which resulted in it returning a 0.
- /goto and /cell are still working
- /reloadmap issues have been fixed
- Working on Targeting Issues today
- Spider
- The node system is working
- Building Nodes for the starter classes..
- Working on special class to show off at pax.
- Ghost is animating the new class skills. All of the animations will be built into the built-in game avatar to make them crisp.
- Bugs
- /reloadmap hurls everyone to the top corner if done on the enter frame of a map
- Infinite load bug (if you login and loads fail, the red spinner goes forever.) Add a back/cancell button
- /goto player does not work if you are in the same room as them
- /cell command is moving you to some sort of weird offset (possible it is taking the previous maps cell)
- New App Icon for mobile - 1024x1024
- Round Table Talk
- We Are going to PAX: East in a few weeks!
- Artix & Jongaar are flying up on the 22nd.
- Zhoom & Dage will be arriving on the 23rd.
- Despair will be there on the 24th.
- We need a few tester accounts which have all of the working classes and working items on them.
- Stuff we need for the convention
- Change name of the game
- Add updated screenshots
- Add a news post explaining more
- Get Steam Test account so the game can be verified and we are able to invite testers
- The Maps
- Expand town
- Add NPCs
- Fix Blockers
- Add particle systems
- Remaster the Dragon's Lair
- Add monsters
- Add cutscenes
- Add dialogs
- Add monster drops
- Send Tunik a proper map of battleon and we can make it clickable to go to the different cells
- The Game Demo
- Create private server environment
- Configure a router or wireless access point
- Host fileserver
- Display devices for people to try
- PC
- PC
- iPad
- Android Tablet
- Phone
- ...and personal Dev Phones
- Player Accounts
- Need 1 character created named after the device people will play that characte ron
- All characters should have all working classes and a large assortment of items
- Finish the UI
- New Login Screen
- Bring on a small handful of testers to help check everything out
- App Icon
- Classes
- Warrior
- Mage
- Rogue
- Healer
- Spider's new new feature demo class (needs a name)
- Quest Reset! (New Feature)
- After completing the quests and slaying the dragon, you will be teleported back to the town of Battleon and your Dragon's lair quest string will be reset to 0.
- Let players verify if their characters will work with the new version of the game
- A mobile friendly page where players can login with user/pass and see which of their items have been converted.
- Helping returning players recover their old accounts
- Specially designed & mobile friend page to help recover old accounts
- Review find my account by Username/Email
- Account recovery process
- Manual help & player support sleuthing
- Tunik
- Refactored the mobile chat window & preview.
- Added compensation for mobile keyboards. (The window jumps up the screen now so you can see what you are typing)
- Warlic
- ios build - working!
- build and fix assetbundles for ios
- minor fix: namelabels no longer block walking
- safe area gameobjects - adjust themselves to safe area when in view of camera - if they are outside of the safe area.
- Spider
- Base system of combat nodes implemented
- Potential to have more than just 5 skills in a class
- Classes will now have an amount of skills that the class builders see fit (maybe a class builder going insane with 100 skills? o_O)
- Next order of business is to create the actual nodes for the classes
- Warrior, Rogue, Healer, Mage
- One special class we will refer to as: ??? (collaboration with ghost)
- Officially going to PAX EST 2023 to show off the game!
- 1st Apple iOS Build officially working! (Thank you Warlic)
- Need a new app icon that looks better on Apple
- Tunik
- Weird week
- Started working on UI template prefab to make it easy to unify user interfaces
- Reviewed how shop and inventory screens work for the update because they were created before I had joined the team.
- Met with Artix, J6, and Diogon to create a set of user interface art standards.
- Warlic
- Apple iOS Week
- Most of the week was getting the Mac setup and publishing the client to the Mac and then figuring out why nothing worked when we got it published.
- Updating asset bundles to be compatible.
- Added a debug console to the game to help with error checking.
- Needs a feature in the options to toggle it on/off
- Hit the ~ key on PC to bring it up
- Spider
- 5th iteration of the combat node system
- What is the node system? The node system allows non-programmers to build classes and monster AI for AdventureQuest Worlds: Unity. The node system will initially be used for combat. It is a system that will allow monsters and boss monsters to have unique behaviors. A "node" is just a fancy name for "Action". A node can do anything. It can be a skill, or a bit of game logic. Originally designed by Eht, this hyper flexible system is brilliant. Immortal Joe who also helps with game design and balance for the existing version of the game has been contributing their experience to this system. Every class in the game will be re-built using nodes. The node system allows non-programmers to make extremely complex systems that normally only a programmer could make.
- Currently tearing everything down to run the game with combat taken out
- Going to rebuild it one step at a time using the new node system
- Combat should be ready by Pax Deadline. Will be staying in this weekend and working on it.
- Yorumi
- Monster direction is now working with the new spawn editor
- Change direction command now working
- Reload map will cause you to return to your exhaust position (this took the longest)
- We found a few bugs we are being addressed now
- One of the database tables' data types changed and it broke both this version and the existing version of the game. This was an emergency fix.
- Add a message if you have been logged out on one device because you are now playing on another one
- New need app icon that works on Apple (and for all devices)
- Need Convention Backdrops (which means we need final logo)
- Yorumi
- Most spawn and store in database commands are now in!
- /dbspawn id <name> <level> <aggro> <size - use this for min and max> <facing:right/left>
- /dbdelete and /dbkill
- /dbmovetome
- /dbright
- /dbleft
- /dbsize <min> <max> (if only min is entered it uses min for both)
- /dblevel <level>
- /dbname <name>
- /dbaggro <aggro type>
- /dbclearframe (removes all monsters on the current frame form the database)
- Bug: Direction is not being saved or pulled correctly - investigating.
- Main spawn command only spawns monster, it does not take the additional parameters. Working on those this week. But you can spawn a monster and edit the other data in the database.
- A map reload is sent after every command
- Double checking that the maximum access level is required to use these commands.
- Tunik
- Unifying UI style - completed 4 screens.
- Bug introduced from layers which removed one of the physics layers.... This has been fixed.
- Warlic
- Basic Joystick control working
- Jump added
- You can walk and jump at the same time.
- Need to fix cape animation so it does not show a weird frame when you jump.
- Need to reset values when you
- Layer Clean up
- Spider's new Head Importer is in and works.
- You can have a helm with color customization now
- It is similar to the armor importer. Which means Importing things is still somewhat manual. But the tools will increase the speed of masking.
- Need to make an auto importer.
- Starting iOS Build
- Creating asset bundles
- Client able to build to an XCode Project on the Mac at the lab. At the point where we are ready to put it on a phone. We just need to do all the the provisioning stuff.
- Note: PC & Android builds are already working.
- Spider
- Working on combat this week.
- Base implementation to be ready by next week
- BUGS & Stuff
- Major Bug: Goto and spawn reload are causing super bad issues when you are not on the first frame of a map.
- Reloadmap
- Character needs to be exactly where they were standing (It is currently scanning for spawn pads and sending you to one of those which is bad when you are trying to drop monsters)
- Monsters/NPCs not facing the right direction when loaded from the database
- Add /dbkill as a alternate command for delete.
- /dbaggro not working
- Cape Disappeared after jumping and changing screens
- Monster kept turning away from me when fighting
2023.02.01.Happy February
- Warlic
- Particle System now has on/off toggle
- Map devs should add particle containers above their particle systems
- Game Crashing Bug
- Investigated and found that the game was trying to destroy a null object and it would crash the player. Spent a lot of time chasing this bug. This turned out to be a known Unity bug that has been regressed in the latest version and only affects a specific version of Windows 10. This is fixable by rolling back to an older version of Unity and publishing.
- Map Sorting Layers added
- Maps now have very defined foreground, mid, background, parallax layers. There are 7 in total which will ensure objects render on screen in the right order. This includes particle systems.
- Blockers and pads no longer block the walk click
- /devmode allows devs to see the pads in the game to help with debugging
- /questinfo now shows all of the data for the current quest to help devs work on quests
- APOP (npc popups) now work properly on dynamically loaded NPCs.
- Yorumi
- Fixed /ReloadMap
- There was an issue with the order of messages coming in from the server that was causing the maps to break for some users. Re-organized the code so that the data 100% comes in the right order.
- Tunik
- Fixed formatting of login text fields
- Equipped tab in the inventory used the wrong icon scale - Fixed
- HUD can sometimes appear while in apops - Fixed
- Dialog Editor
- Changes to the loading process broke the dialogue editor. Spent a lot of time this week fixing those issues.
- No error correction when you try to remove a background. Would break everything if you did it. - Fixed
- Setup screen stopped showing actors. Which means it would add them but you could not remove them. - Fixed
- You could spawn multiple text boxes, but it got confusing and they all showed the same text. So it now just spawns one. -Fixed
- If you try to change the text box colors...weird things will happen. The text box name plate would show itself every time there was a color change. - Fixed
- Some dialog items would become inaccessible when you tried to scale the text box - Fixed
- Hovering over a text box pops up an editor box. But it was z-ordering behind other objects in the scene. Possibly related to the new sort layers. - Fixed
- One un-fixed issue that causes a crash... when you call an ID on the database, if it does not exist it does not fail gracefully.
- Artix & J6
- J6 hogged the Battleon map and would not share! XD
- He Z-ordered the fountain and added the Daimyo statue. We are going to use a particle system for the fountain's water.
- Removed the arrows form the map so we can add them from the engine.
- Meeting Notes / Needs
- Ok... we have our first convention coming up: Pax East. We need the game running between a phone, tablet, and a few computers. We will have power, but we might not want to rely on internet. So.... hear me out. Can you make me a private server for AQW:U?
- Remove Made with Unity loading screen
- Facebook Login
- Spacebar needs to jump!
- Add Joystick support (Full joystick support is not implementable in time for the convention... so we will be doing basic movement and interaction only which will allow you to loosely play on SteamDeck and with a controller.
- Redo login screen and server select screen.
- Remove the slide in for notification popups.... Just make it pop up
- Move Yulgar's Inn to the right so you can see the sign
- Need a /cell command to jump cells
- Big feature: We want to add the same feature Spider helped build for AQ3D to AQ2D. The feature would allow the team to dynamically create and save monster and NPCs to the spawn from the game itself. Yorumi says this is already partially working. Goal is to have a test of the commands working from tomorrow. Then we will remove all of the manually placed spawn pads form the town of Battleon and spawn them using a slash command.
- Tunik
- The black bars on the top and bottom of the apop extend farther now to stop the user from seeing past them when scaling the window.
- Cutscenes now have black bars on the top and bottom.
- Compatibility flag is no longer used on all items in the item list. It is only used on equip-able items.
- Compatibility flag is no longer used on all items in the item preview. It is only used on equip-able items.
- The target panel portraits have issues resizing when the window is scaled. I have a fix for this but was told to roll it back because it exposed another bug.
- Closing the loot inventory now closes the item preview.
- Cutscenes no longer crash if their background fails to load.
- Chat no longer disappears when logging out and logging in again.
- Fixed a null error when pressing X or discard in the loot menu.
- The command list index in the chat now resets when submitting a message. Before this it didn't reset and this caused an issue where pressing up wouldn't always show the last command.
- Fixed a "Singleton not registered" bug that used to appear on the login screen.
- Fixed a "OnMouseDown has no receiver" bug that used to appear whenever the yes/no window was clicked.
- Warlic
- When switching to map cell - grab first existing spawn pad if target spawn pad is null
- Fixed local scale for custom npcs - Camera color now black
- fixed dialog storytracker
- fixed /goto player spawn monster
- Story fixes for area load
- Fixed - Clicking the Story tracker now gives you the correct quest detail.
- Open Issue - Hard Crash - Took some steps to mitigate but still investigating
- - added dead check to combatlootdrop object
- - added another death bool to combatloot -to avoid accidentally calling destroy on a null gameobject.
- - wait for end of frame to kill uiquestcomplete
- - removed Rigidbody from CombatLootDrop Prefab
- - wait for end of frame to kill uiquestcomplete
- - removed Rigidbody frorm CombatLootDrop Prefab
- Do not remove quest from quests data after complete - server will only send the questdata once - so if you need the data again (retake the quest, etc.) you won't have the actual data if it is removed.
- Workaround: avoid cached dialog data so for cutscene load. We need to revisit the Dialog/Apop flow
- Pull Quest from Quest.questLoaded if not in player acceptedQuests - This fixes a null issue when /qreset has been used to reset a quest chain after having already pulled the quest data and it no longer exists in questsAccepted - in this case we need to fallback to Quest.questsLoaded to find the questData and push it back into questsAccepted.
- Server - remove questobjective when reseting a quest using cqstatus (/qreset).
- Added some helpful info commands /info, /questinfo, /sagainfo, and /mapinfo - also added some feedback for /qreset
- ClickableWalk sets it z position to 1 and gets out of the way of buttons
- Custom NPCs can now spawn apopbuttons
- Added particle system toggle behavior.

Thank you for reading!
We will be releasing the new trailer we made this week.
Follow us before it's too late!