Artix Krieger
| Thursday, May 4, 2023
A long time ago...
In a Secret Underground Lab far, far, war...
A unstoppable deadline approaches.
To combat this new threat, Rebel forces ready their best hope...
AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity
It is a time of much crunch for the rebellion.
As Master Yoglin the coding master Moglin would say...
"Do Loop, or Do While !=true, there is no Try(Catch)"
That was a programming joke.
Not a very good one if we are all being honest.
But the effort is there.
It really is the little things that matter.
Especially if you are a Rebel without a CLU.
That was not a typo.
It was an obscure Tron reference.
CLU stands for Codified Likeness Utility.
Most people now would just call it a Game Character
Which is exactly what we are working on in...
AdventureQuest Worlds: Infinity PART IV: A New Code
Live Long and Prosper.
AQWorlds: Infinity is not available to play... yet. But when you do inevitably long in, you will do so using your existing character. The goal is for everything to load and look as close to the original version of the game as possible. Which has not been as easy as anyone expected. Today's challenge is your character's skin. This story reaches all the way back to the DragonFable. When we started building color customization into that game, we noticed the shadows looked muddy if we simply darkened them. Oh, I should have started by noting that your face's character is not a single color. It is three colors. It has a base color, a darker color for shadows, and a lighter color for highlights. This gives it that anime look. But to make the colors feel more natural and anime-life-like, we added a little peachy-fleshy-red using a blend mode. It worked great for DragonFable and AQWorlds. In fact, I would argue it gives the characters a little bit of a signature look that most people would not realize... unless it was gone. The way we apply colors and blend modes is very different in Unity. We got it soooooooooo close... for some skin tones. but it completely messed up others. We are relentlessly trying different approaches until we make it work flawlessly. So when you do finally log in to AQWorlds:Infinity and see your character for the first time-- and notice that your skin looks pretty darn close to exact... you will know we went that extra mile for you.
Oh yeah, here are your freshly copy/pasta'd weekly meeting notes!
Battle on!